Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm five now!

I never thought this day would really come! She's five!! My little "prince" is five! Yes, I did call her my prince, I would be disowned as her mother if I called her a princess!
That's something I was sure she would have grown out of by now, but NOT! I'm totally okay with that being a "tom-boy" myself. Rooster came to me on her birthday and told me, "I'm a big girl now mom, I'm five! That means you don't have to help me with things, I can DO THEM ON MY OWN!" I'M FIVE!"

Who knew this was her magical number? She had a list of things she could do now, it was as if she was looking forward to it.....haha just a few things on her list

  1. Shampooing her own hair

  2. Doing the washing part of the dishes

  3. Helping LB shampoo his hair

  4. Get after Mommy for not putting her shoes in the right place

  5. Use a knife, only if someone grown-big is watching

  6. Not have to do anything if SHE doesn't want to.

  7. Go to school!

She, and her brothers are growing before my eyes! It's amazing to think that it was just five small years ago she came into this world, and changed my life forever!


Amber said...

Yeah!! She IS a big girl! :) So exciting! And I'm so glad you handled that conversations abt trees! U rock! ;)

Gina said...

Five is a big year. Way to go, Rooster (and Mama).