Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Birthday Bash

This year we decided to have all three birthday parties together. We wanted to save a little money, and with the kids being so young we figured they wouldn't mind. They didn't! The fact that their birthdays are one after another helps too. Here's a neat little fact about their birthdays, the dates are 8-15, 9-14, and 10-13! Is that cool or what!? You can't plan that!!
Anyway, the party was a success!! Tornado devoured his cake, without making too big of a mess!

The kids got coats that came with beanies and mittens! One of their Aunties made them blankets, LB has been carrying his around ever since. He calls it his "can-o-flaj" blanket!

Of course there were toys, toys, and more toys!! Our living room looked like Christmas! It's a good thing we just went through the toys and donated a bunch!

AND, best of all, we had a special guest!! Spiderman! That's right, he took a few minutes out of his busy day to come and get his picture taken with the kids! Rooster was a little leary at first, so was LB, but they warmed right up to him. While Spiderman was getting his picture taken Rooster comes running up to me, waving her hand. "Mommy, I have a secret!" She gestures me to bend down, and starts whispering in my ear. "Ok, Mommy, I have an idea about spiderman, I think that is my Uncle Chayne in there, and not Peter Parker!" She then runs off, has her picture taken and comes back with another secret. "Mommy, how about I go and get my Spiderman suit on too, and show him that I AM SPIDER MAN TOO!! Isn't that a good idea??" I was heart broken! Her suit was in the washer! Dang it! Good thing she is understanding, she ran off and slung some webs with Spidey before he had to leave!
Thanks Spider-Man!! Looks like Spidey's red gloves were in the washer too! I'm so glad to be a mom, and glad for the people that made the time to be with us at the party! It was a great day!!