Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wea Unda Tack!

Okay, picture in your mind. It's Sunday morning, we are sitting in the Chapel of our local LDS Church. It is the first Sunday of the month which means it's testimony meeting. For those of you that don't know what a testimony meeting is I will explain. In this meeting members of the ward are given an opporturnity to share their feelings about Jesus Christ and his gospel. Not as complicated as you thought eh?

Sacrement meeting with three children under 3 is always a challenge! This particular Sunday was no different! It goes something like this, my children use their "OUTSIDE" voices instead of their "INSIDE" voices. I say SHHHHH, be reverent please, and they look at me like I am speaking japanese or some other complicated language.

Like every other mother in the room, I brought treats, books, and small toys to keep them occupied. It works, only momentarily! Very soon after the testimonies had started, Lunch Box wanted a snack. I wanna "nack" mommy, it in yur pocket? he said while reaching into my pocket. His eyes lit up, he had found something better than a "nack"! It was a little toy walkie talkie. He pulled it out and looked at it with his blue eyes as wide as they could go.

At that very moment, the congregation was quietly contemplating the words of a beautiful testimony. I don't remember the chapel ever being that quiet before!

Then all of the sudden Lunch Box puts the walkie talkie up to his mouth, and yells! Yes, I said yells in his OUTSIDE voice, Mayday! Mayday! Wea unda tack! Mayday! Mayday!

Hunk and I looked at each other, and started to laugh. As did half the congregation! Lunch Box went on his merry way playing, not even knowing what had happened!!

Oh to be a kid again!! It was great!


Gina said...

Oh. My. Seriously?! Why can't I be at your sacrament meeting? Too good. I, on the otherhand, was in the "mother's lounge" changing a stinker diaper while my angel daughter is bearing her testimony (unbeknownst to me). I heard none of it. I am still a little mad at the young guy for needing a diaper change at the wrong time. Grrrr....

Misty said...

Classic!! We have had so many embarrassing moments in church with out kids over the years, but I think yours takes the cake. :)

Amy said...

That's funny and cute. What wasn't so cute was when my young son (who recently picked up the word "shut up" from Shrek) said loudly, "Mom, I didn't say Shut UP!" I wanted to crawl under the bench and die.

Granny Hawk said...

OH, I am rolling on the floor!!!....so funny! it is so typical with kids....he is sooooo cute(along with his sister and brother)

Unknown said...

Hilarious! :) Family wards are so entertaining.

Unknown said...

What a great story! I love kids... so carefree and fun!

Gerb said...

I wish I could have been there! I am not sure which I like better - what he said or the fact that you had a walkie-talkie in your pocket at church.
