Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay folks, this post begins with a disclaimer. It is not my intentions to hurt the feelings of any Tooele born and raised person in this message. I only wish to share a little something I call "debbonics", not to be confused with, or compared to "phonics"

At G-ma D's birthday celebration we were chatting about my new blog. G-ma D, in her own special way got everyone's attention. It took her a few minutes, but eventually all eyes were on her. She began talking about my new blog and the video of "Lunch Box" cooking Mac and Cheese, and was soon at a loss for words and asked my husband.....(here to be called "Hunk of Burning Love) if he would "narryate" the video for us.

G-pa M and I locked eyes and began laughing, I was wondering which of us would land on the ground first! I wiped the tears from my eyes, and tried to catch my breath. It was a good minute or more before I had regained my composure. I turned to G-ma D's youngest daughter and said, "Aren't you glad it's not genetic?" No sooner had I finished my sentence was G-ma D saying, "I bet your glad it's not "generic"!! I found myself again in hysterics, I could hardly breath!! I think I might have actually peed a little I was laughing soo hard! I again looked to G-pa M and said calmly.....That is YOUR wife!! To which he replied..."Ah, my wife!


Kelly said...

Lol! Oh how wonderful it tis to be a part of this special family...

Granny Hawk said...

I wasn't there but I am still rolling on da floor...LOL! Ha, Ha, Ha...