Monday, December 22, 2008

At The Last Minute!

I have noticed over the last little while a pattern emerging in my life. That's right! I'm a procrastinator! Sad, but true! It's to the point of needing weekly meetings. You know the meetings I'm talking about right? The ones where each member takes a turn standing and saying..."Hello, my name is_____ and I am a _____!
Anyway, here are a few things we have done at the last minute this year.
Picked out a Christmas Tree!
Gotta love Home Depot, the only had like 10 trees left!

Took the kiddies to see Santa Claus! The last Saturday before Christmas! Yikes! The mall was packed with people! We waited in line for like 45 minutes, as we made it to the front of the line Santa's little (not so jolly) helper annouced that Santa would be leaving to feed his Reindeer for 45 minutes! Hunk and I wanted to leave but couldn't take the sad look on Rooster's face when we told her she would have to wait till next year. We waited! For this?
Yes, Rooster did dress herself that day too. Right down to her accessories!
Went to Temple Square, the last Sunday before Christmas! I thought it would be a nice quiet evening at the square. HA! I think everyone in the state of Utah had the same idea, it was packed!
Hunk took Lunch Box four wheeling through the square!
Here's the fam! Well some of us anyway, I'm the sexy momma behind the camera! Rooster was at her nanny's house so she missed this trip (lucky girl!)
We also got our pictures taken this year, we love them! The photographer is Sam Hoffman, at One Day In June Photography! Check her work out here.

Hunk asked me why we wait until the last minute to do everything. I told him I didn't really know! He said we should start doing things earlier, to which I replied why break a family tradition!!
Merry Christmas!


Gina said...

Those pictures are GREAT! I love little Rooster's smile. It is contagious. Your family pictures are fabulous. I love the colors you chose. The picture of Kenny kissing took me a minute to decifer exactly what was going on there. Love them all. Adorable!

Granny Hawk said...

Okay, you need to print all of these out for future reference, like you know put 'em in a book for the kids later on...Debi(who I work with)loves to read what you wrote, even though she is not related....;-)

Amber said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Love them! Merry Christmas!!!